perfectionism is about hiding. We announce that we’re seeking perfect, knowing that it’s unattainable, and now we can relax into the limbo of not shipping.
This might be the reason [[best is not the best word]]? I hear this all the time in my job (in digital marketing) and see it in job descriptions etc. all the time. "Best" is unobtainable. You will never be best. The best are so exceptional, and sorry, but I have not yet any body who is best at anything.
The perfectionist is afraid. Afraid of letting go, and worse, afraid of hearing back about the work. The market rarely speaks up when you explain that you’re waiting for perfect, but it’s eager to chime in once you ship.
And so we don’t. The way forward is not to seek out a path with no fear. Instead, the way forward is to announce the fear, name the fear and dance with the fear. there’s no perfect to be found. Lucky for us, the people who created them cared enough to ship us something useful. define what good enough is before you begin. Because once you have a spec, you can ship your work with pride Show less Nov 25, 2020
Source: via:: [[../../archive/tickler-2020-11-articles]] topic:: [[Perfectionism]]